A Letter To Her Daughter: Happy One and a Half Birthday to Jasmine Morgan!OCTOBER 7, 2015 ~ JUSTICE4JASMINE

Dear Jasmine Alexandria Morgan,

Today is your one and a half birthday! Eighteen months ago today I saw your precious face and heard your voice for the first time. You entered like the champion that you are today moving and working in tandem with Mom just like nature intended! Your first nine months were so enjoyable watching you discover and learn so much. You were such a happy and healthy baby! As you have approached and now have reached toddlerhood, you have been so resilient despite the treatment you have received since being taken from the safety of our home.

Several people are praying for you and missing your sweet smile and joyful laugh. We wish that we could be with you on today and pray that you will be returned to us very soon. As your mom, I am grateful for all of our family that has been so supportive as we endure this awful ordeal that was brought into our lives by such evilness. Your life has already had so many missed memories from your family and friends that we will never be able to get back because of what has happened. My hope is that God will restore the time somehow though we can’t live backwards.

I’ve missed quite a few of your “firsts”…but I thank God that I have some in our memory book that no one can snatch away. I hope that you somehow know that I love you more than anyone ever could (second to God) and I pray that you are taught that God has us both in His hands. He wants us together even though so many are striving to keep us apart. No one can break the bond that we have even as hard as they try. What happened in the dark has to come into the light. Lies can’t prosper against truth and obedience. The story of your life starting with such a tough life lesson I could see as unfortunate, but it will allow you to have a testimony even before you know what a testimony is! As you are away on this first involuntary mission trip, continue to be the light and salt that we are supposed to be since you are indeed in a dark place. You are not one of them that is of this world though. Instead, be the girl God wants you to be and nothing less. Remember what Mom always tells you: “Mind your manners and say your prayers!”

I hope that you are enjoying your day wherever you are and I hope that I am able to see you again very soon.

Love always,


Sometimes You Just Gotta Let Them Do It!


On my way to the airport, a car decided to force their way in front of us. I told my friend to just let him do it, because we aren’t trying to get into any accidents. At that point I stated, “Sometimes you just gotta let them do it, girl!” At that point my friend said,  “Hey that’s a good blog title!” I thought about it for a minute, and she was right. With the right perspective you can see a lesson in everything. The lesson in this is, you can’t always control everyone or everything. Sometimes you just have to let stuff or people happen. I guess you need some specifics, huh? Well I will be happy to help!

So you have a coworker that is hard to deal with. You have done everything in your power to fix the situation, including being difficult yourself. You have taken it to your supervisor, and tried to talk to the person. Well sometimes you just have to let people be who they are, and you be who you are. When I say you be who you are, I don’t mean the fleshly you. I mean the Christian you. Continue to be respectful and kind to the person. Pray for them and yourself too. You have to pray that you respond the way Christ wants you to and not the way you (your flesh) wants you to respond. You should also pray for God to show you the lesson in this, if you can’t see it yourself. You will be amazed how God will look out for you and change that situation.

I really don’t think I have to give another example. You can use the situation above in many ways. Maybe it’s not at work, but at home, school, or just in the passing of the day.  We have to practice letting things go, and not letting them bother us as much. Practice makes perfect. Once you have achieved this, watch how you life changes. Well that’s all for now. Until next time…….I love you, but God loves you more!!!

Don’t Delay


Well, looks like I have done it again! This time it wasn’t just WordPress. I disappeared from all social media for a little while. When God tells you to do something, you should definitely do it. Just because you think you aren’t what He is telling you to do, doesn’t mean you should ignore it. It’s really not what you feel you can do, it’s about what He says you can do. So you have never done it before, He will equip you to do what He is asking. Trust me, He wouldn’t be telling you to do it, If He didn’t feel like it was for you. With that being said, It’s time for me to do what He is telling me to do. Actually, I have already started. I’m on my new journey as an author. That’s right, I’m writing a book for you Wonderful Princesses. It’s a devotional. I was quite nervous, when God told me to do it, but I trust Him completely. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to share this journey with you all. What is God telling you to do? Don’t add any unnecessary delay to your purpose. The enemy will try to do that enough without your help. But don’t let that scare you. You got this Princess, I believe in you!!!! So let’s do this!!!! I love you, and I’m here for you, anytime you need me. Email me, I would love to speak with you and personally encourage you. Heartofaprincessenterprise@gmail.com

See you soon 💜👑

This entry was posted on August 22, 2015. 2 Comments

What A Day

bad-dayWow, what an adventurous Friday I had!!!! I’ve learned, from two dear sister-friends of mine, that sometimes when things go wrong and mess up your plans, if you call them adventures, it makes dealing a little easier! Only I didn’t realize that until Saturday morning! Friday I left to go out of town for the weekend. After rushing to the airport, I receive an alert that my flight was delayed 2 1/2 hours. Well the rush was not needed. I parked my car at the usual off airport parking service. The driver dropped me off on the opposite side of the airport, and told me I could just walk there, it wouldn’t take long. That definitely upset me. I thought it was your job to take me to the correct place, sir. However, I decided not to argue with him, and just got off the shuttle. Somewhere between getting off the shuttle and walking into the airport to my checkpoint, I lost my license. I am laughing as I type this!!!!!!

Anyway, I turn around to retrace my steps, and try to find my license. At this point I am very upset, but I thank God my flight is delayed. I could not find my license, and even went to lost and found…..no success. An airport security guard told me he saw a lady that picked up something that looked like a license. All I can say is I hope she sends it to me. Now this has never happened to me, so I start to panic because I don’t know if I will be able to get through the checkpoint without my license. I asked a TSA member, and was told to try using another photo ID. Luckily I had my work ID and my birth certificate. I get to the checkpoint, and they let me through, with just a little more verification from me. I had to show something with my name and address on it. I keep mail in my purse!!!

So I make it pass the checkpoint, and get to my gate. My flight is now delayed 3 hours. This particular airline was not my usual airline. It was my first time flying with them. The tickets were cheaper. Well you get what you pay for. After trying to search for answers, with no success, after 4 hours, I go to my trusty,usual airline. They had seats left on the next flight, so I bought a ticket, and called the other airline to request a refund. I got my refund, BUT the new flight was now delayed also!!!!!!! Hilarious, but I wasn’t laughing. It was only a 45 min delay, but after waiting for hours, I was very irritated. I started to cry, because I wasn’t sure if this was the enemy messing with me or God testing me. I prayed hard, very hard.  I finally reached my destination almost 6 hours later. My sister-friend said I should tell this story in my blog, so here it is.

This adventure caused me to pray a lot. It showed me how I lack trust in God. It also showed me how I need to change my perspective, and spend more time in the word. I also got this blog entry out of it! Don’t worry, I repented for my lack of trust! We all have those days were things just go wrong, completely wrong, but we need to change how see things, and how we react/respond. We can always stand to deepen our relationship with Christ. That way when things go wrong, you know exactly what is happening and how to move forward. I have an older entry on perspective, you should check it out. Well that’s all for now! I hope you enjoyed my adventure! Take care, and remember God Loves YOU so much!

Don’t Lose Focus

Where do I begin:

Sometimes we let life consume us with so many different things going on around us. We have to learn to stay focus; keep our eyes on the prize. Right now my prize is you, Princess. I will be honest, for a bit, I lost my focus. I was trying to figure out if I was doing this right. Am I actually reaching you and making an impact?  Well I realized I definitely wasn’t doing that, if I’m not posting ANYTHING! So here I am, getting back to it.

We can’t let the enemy make us afraid to continue to move forward. He knows we are moving in the direction that God wants us to move in, and that scares him. AND IT SHOULD SCARE HIM, NOT YOU! As I was driving to work this morning, there was a car in front of me and with Psalm 91:4 on it. I looked up the scripture, it reads: “He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Wow that hit the spot, my thirst was quenched. I have to move forward, and so do you.

No matter what is happening with you or around you, keep going. Keep praying. Keep seeking. DON’T LOSE FOCUS! I love you Princess, but God loves you more! He needs you and has a place and purpose for you.  He told me to tell you that!!! Read all of Psalm 91 today, meditate on it. Let it guide you through the day, and I will see you soon!

What Does Your YES Look Like


Saying yes to God can be scary and exciting, but ultimately rewarding. Sometimes God calls us to do things that have us thinking: “You have the wrong person, God! That’s not me!” Oh but it is you, and just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not true. We tend to think we aren’t good enough, strong enough, smart enough, But when God says Yes……that means you are qualified. Look at the people He used in the Bible, Moses stuttered, Zacchaeus, who was in the tree, wasn’t very popular, and Mary Magdalene was an afflicted and hurt woman. These are just a few. God called the people that no one expected to be called. Why did He do that? He did it because those are the people who will move through God and listen to God, because they have no clue what they are doing. They are totally dependent on God leading them in their journeys. Humility is the key characteristic in all the people God called. They give God all the glory for the accomplishments made because it is truly ALL God. They are just vessels.

Don’t be afraid to say yes to God because you think it’s not for you. If He called you to it, it’s for you. Trust me when I say, Trust Him!  So what is God asking you to do? If you don’t know ask Him, but I have a feeling you do know, but you just need a little more confirmation. Well I hope you count this as confirmation, because it is. IT’S TIME TO SAY YES!!!!! I DID!!!

The Only Approval I Need


We often think too much about what others think of us. Do you ever wonder what God thinks of you? How does He see you through His eyes? Well that’s why I am here, to change your focus. The only person we should be worried about is God! We only need to wonder what He thinks, not anyone else. Do you know what so good about only wondering what God thinks about you? He never thinks bad of you; He will never put you down. You are always beautiful to Him; you are His Princess. Yes, we may do things that He isn’t pleased with, but God is not fickle. He will love you through any and everything you go through and do.

I am going to be a little transparent. I lived seeking appreciation & praise from others, and wondering what people thought about me. Sometimes, I still battle with this. So I am encouraging myself as well as you. We have to do that sometimes! But we have to make a conscious decision daily to choose to live for one God! That means we only want to please Him. We should only wonder what He thinks about us. Oh, and guess what! We actually don’t have to wonder what God thinks of us. He will tell and/or show you everyday, if you open your heart to Him. If that’s not enough, His word, the Bible, tells us through many scriptures. I will list a few for you, at the end. Just go look them up, read and meditate on them. Write them on index cards to carry in your purse. Ask the Lord to engrave the scriptures in your heart.  When the enemy comes to attack by using people to try to interrupt your confidence and self-esteem, you fight back with those scriptures. They are what is true. Nothing the enemy says to you is true, no matter how convincing you make think it is. Philippians 4:8 reads: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-Think about such things. God is the only approval we need!  Don’t forget to look up the scriptures below! I love you, but God love you more!

1 Peter 2:9

Ephesians 2:10

Luke 12:7

1 John 4:9-10

Jeremiah 1:5


The Spirit Perspective


We often live life according to what our ego says. Take the statement in the photo for instance. “Once everything falls into place, I will find peace.” Let me tell you Princess, that is definitely the wrong perspective to have. Just think about it. When does anything, let alone everything fall into place. Something always happens or changes. With this perspective your peace will never come. Job 3:26 reads: I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil. That is life without peace. I don’t know about you Princess, but that is not the life I want.  If you choose the Spirit lead perspective:  Your peace is already there. No matter what happens or changes, it won’t matter as much because you have peace already. Psalm 37:37 reads: Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace. Find peace and everything will fall into place. Princess I pray that you seek God and ask for peace. Don’t try to perfect your life, thinking peace will come when you have it all together. We need God for that; He wants to give you a great life and a peaceful life. Choose the peace perspective!

This entry was posted on March 13, 2015. 2 Comments

Self Love


This poem states everything that I would need to say. I hope it blesses you, and you read it as much as possible. Love yourself! After God, there is no one who can love you better than you! I love you, God loves you more, and I hope you love you!!

As I Began to Love Myself – Self Love Poem by Charlie Chaplin

As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering
are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.
Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody
As I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time
was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this
person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life,
and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow.
Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance,
I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens
at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm.
Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit steeling my own time,
and I stopped designing huge projects for the future.
Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do
and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in
my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for
my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew
me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude
a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since
I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worry
about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where EVERYTHING
is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me
and it can make me sick. But As I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems
with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing
new worlds are born.Today I know THAT IS “LIFE”!

This entry was posted on March 5, 2015. 2 Comments